14. Februar 2025
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 10-2024/1-2025 (Dez. 2024/Jan. 2025) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Open Investing in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Forschungsdaten gemeinsam gestalten: das Stabi Lab in Berlin
  • Die EU-KI-Verordnung: wegweisende Regeln für vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Ein Balanceakt: ethisches Dilemma der KI in der Hochschulbildung
  • Ungenutztes Potenzial oder riskanter Trend? Verdeckte KI-Nutzung in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
  • Warum die Indizierung von zurückgezogenen Publikationen zum Problem wird
  • Klassische Medien auf dem Abstellgleis bei Jugendlichen
  • Warum Gen Z kaum noch Bücher liest
  • Zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Bedeutung: die Rolle der digitalen Kuratierung bei OpenScience während der Pandemie
  • USA: Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekare organisieren sich gegen drohende Kürzungen und den Abbau öffentlicher Bildung unter der kommenden Trump-Administration
  • Makerspaces: kreative Lernräume in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Wie KI antike Texte lesbar macht
  • Fachzeitschriften von Massenrücktritten der Redaktionen betroffen

Ex Libris Endorses Global Open Metadata Initiatives

Harvard Library content to be made available
to the international Ex Libris customer community

Ex Libris® Group is pleased to announce that it will include the Harvard Library’s catalog records in the Ex Libris Alma Community Catalog, and Harvard’s Digital Access to Scholarship (DASH) article repository in the Primo Central Index of scholarly content. Endorsing the recommendations of the Alma Community Zone advisory group, Ex Libris will make the content from the Harvard Library open and available to the growing international community of Ex Libris customers.

The news from Harvard Library follows the October 2011 announcement by the Conference of European National Libraries (CENL) and Europeana, Europe’s digital library, that they are adopting CC0, a Creative Commons tool for waiving copyright protection, thus making the content of their 49-member national libraries available to the public and further supporting the recommendations of the Alma Community Zone advisory group. Ex Libris Alma and Primo provide an ideal platform for collaboration between libraries and the sharing of library content through open metadata principles, as exemplified by Harvard and the European consortia.

Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris chief strategy officer, commented: “As these recent announcements demonstrate, open metadata is an increasingly critical theme in the academic and research library community, representing a dramatic departure from the restricted models of the past. The growing number of initiatives around the world validates the strategy underpinning the Ex Libris next-generation library services, Primo and Alma. By providing open access to metadata and facilitating sharing, libraries can better achieve their goals of increasing efficiency in technical services, facilitating stronger collaboration, and developing innovative end-user services.”

Ex Libris applauds this move by Harvard and joins many in the library community in encouraging others to follow suit.
