13. Februar 2025
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In der Ausgabe 10-2024/1-2025 (Dez. 2024/Jan. 2025) lesen Sie u.a.:

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  • Wie KI antike Texte lesbar macht
  • Fachzeitschriften von Massenrücktritten der Redaktionen betroffen

Springer’s Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences
wins award for best geoscience research resource

The 2017 Mary B. Ansari Best Geoscience Research Resource Work Award
goes to Springer’s major reference work on marine geosciences

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) has chosen Springer’s Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences as the winner of the society’s annual award for an outstanding geoscience research resource. The award will be presented on 23 October 2017 during the Geological Society of America’s (GSA) Annual Meeting and Exposition in Seattle.

A comprehensive understanding of the structure, processes and genesis of the marine geosphere is fundamental for addressing some of our most pressing global challenges, such as how to tackle the growing demand for energy and mineral resources, how to create reliable future projections of climate processes, or how to protect the coasts from disasters . The Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences is edited by Jan Harff, Martin Meschede, Sven Petersen and Jörn Thiede. It presents an interdisciplinary synopsis of the whole scale of marine geosciences, incorporating geology, geophysics, hydrography, biology, climatology, ecology and economic geology.

With 195 entries by international specialists, the encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for a broad spectrum of readers, from students and scholars in academia to engineers and decision-makers in industry and politics. The reference work is published in Springer’s renowned book series Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series and is available in print or as an eReference work for a variety of electronic devices. Moreover, the electronic version of the encyclopedia is regularly updated as a “living” eReference work.

Petra van Steenbergen, Executive Editor of Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment at Springer, said: “Springer is extremely proud that the Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences is honored with the prestigious GSIS Mary B. Ansari Best Geoscience Research Resource Work Award. We extend our cordial congratulations to the editors, editorial board members and contributors of this excellent work.”

Springer Nature’s major reference works (MRWs) portfolio features peer-reviewed, high-profile encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and atlases from the leading brands, Palgrave Macmillan and Springer. The references span science, technology, engineering, medicine, the humanities, the social sciences, business, management and economics, and provide a valuable starting point for students, researchers, and professionals seeking authoritative overviews of a field, topic, or concept.

The Geoscience Information Society is a member society of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and an associated society of the Geological Society of America (GSA). GSIS connects scientists, librarians, editors, cartographers, educators and information professionals in the geosciences from all over the world, encouraging the continuous exchange of information in this research field. Mary B. Ansari, whose generous donation enables this award, has been a member of the Geoscience Information Society for years and was its president in 1990.
