18. Januar 2025
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Nanyang Technological University first in Southeast Asia
to acquire Early English Books Online

ProQuest is pleased to announce that Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Library in Singapore is the first university library in Southeast Asia to acquire Early English Books Online (EEBO).  With over 125,000 titles comprising more than 13 million pages, EEBO is the most comprehensive and authoritative online library of early modern texts available, providing endless opportunities for research across a vast range of subject areas, from history, literature, religion, music and the arts, to science, mathematics and women’s studies. EEBO will be a vital resource for research and teaching at NTU’s fast expanding English department.  

Rod Gauvin, Senior Vice President of Publishing for ProQuest said, “Early English Books Online provides a great opportunity for researchers in Southeast Asia to access vast numbers of primary sources in English from their desktop.  ProQuest is delighted that Nanyang Technological University Library is the first in the region to take up this opportunity.”  

Associate Professor Neil Murphy, Head of the Division of English at NTU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences, said “While many faculty members in the Division of English are deeply engaged in the study of international contemporary literatures and literary studies in Asia, several professors also examine Medieval, Renaissance, and Eighteenth Century literature from a variety of theoretical perspectives.  It is important for faculty to have access to databases which are crucial to their research and teaching.”  

EEBO contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America, and works in English printed elsewhere, from 1473 to 1700.   It brings the printed heritage of early modern England to life.  For example, users can see exactly what the first printed edition of The Canterbury Tales looked like, compare Shakespeare’s quartos page by page, or study musical exercises by Henry Purcell.  

ProQuest’s EEBO has been one of the most successful research collections ever produced.  More than a decade ago, 125,000 works microfilmed over 70 years from more than 100 libraries worldwide were made available online.  Today, EEBO is used by students and scholars in over 1,000 institutions worldwide.
