19. Januar 2025
Aktuelles aus

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  • Bibliotheken als Orte des Lernens
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DARIAH-DE Workshop: Digital tools and methods for historical research

Time & venue: 2019-09-25 (11–16 h), Leibniz Institute of European History,
Conference Room, Alte Universitaetsstrasse 19, 55116 Mainz, Germany.
Target audience: students and researchers in history-related disciplines

The Leibniz Institute of European History invites students and researchers in history-related disciplines to a crash course on digital tools and methods for historical research organized in cooperation with DARIAH-DE. It is targeted to everyone working with historical data and interested in applying digital tools. Some understanding of structuring textual data or working with quantitative analysis is desirable, but no programming skills are required.

The workshop will cover structured data as well to discuss and compare tools from three areas: digital collections, text analysis and geohumanities. We will address the following questions: What are the opportunities and limits of the presented tools? How may we use them in our research? What skills/knowledge do we need to apply them? Web applications will be presented with research examples; participants are welcome to actively engage in the workshop (and bring their own laptops).

We are looking forward to expressions of interest until September 5th, 2019 to digital@ieg-mainz.de.

Workshop team: Anna Aschauer, Monika Barget, Jaap Geraerts and Demival Vasques Filho
– Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Digital Historical Research.


11:00–12:30: Finding your way in digital collections:
- understanding and working with structured data
- searching and finding collections (in the DARIAH-DE Collection Registry and the EADH Catalogue)
12:30–13:15: Lunch break
13:15–14:30: Tools for quantitative text analysis:
- visualising textual data with Voyant Tools
- DigiVoy: analysing TextGrid data with Voyant tools
- brief introduction to DKProWrapper
14:30–14:45: Coffee break
14:45–15:45: Tools for Geohumanities:
- creating maps with DARIAH-DE Geobrowser
- creating maps with Palladio
- brief introduction to full-featured GIS software
15:45–16:00: Concluding session

The IEG is partner of the DARIAH-DE operating cooperation.