14. Oktober 2024
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 7/2024 (Oktober 2024) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Zeitschriftennutzung in Bibliotheken: Download-Konzentration und Open Access
  • Open Access killed the Journal Star?
  • Fehlende Trans­pa­renz und Regelungen beim Einsatz von KI-Chatbots in wissenschaftlichen Verlagen
  • AI Literacy: Kompetenzmodell verstehen
    und verantwortungsvoll nutzen
  • Dein neuer Kollege KI – Freund oder Feind?
  • KI-Agents: Informationsbeschaffung
    der Zukunft
  • KI-Revolution in Bibliotheken:
    Neues Framework für AI Literacy gefordert
  • IFLA Trend Report 2024: Globale Trends
    und ihre Auswirkungen auf Bibliotheken
  • Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des
    E-Lending in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken
    auf den Publikumsmarkt
  • Wenn Bibliotheken im Dunkeln stehen
  • Frei von Zwängen:
    MIT-Bibliotheken erfolgreich ohne Elsevier
Ausgabe 6 / 2023

Vergessene Frauen werden sichtbar

„In Lothars Bücherwelt walten magische Kräfte.“
Glamour Collection, Lothar Schirmer, Katalog einer Sammlung

Hingabe an die Sache des Wissens

Klaus Pringsheim aus Tokyo
Ein Wanderer zwischen den Welten

20 Jahre Malmzeit

Sonne, Mond, Sterne

Vietnam – der aufsteigende Drache

„Und ja, mein einziger Bezugspunkt
bin ich jetzt selbst“

Stiftungsrecht und Steuerrecht I Verfassungsrecht I Medizinrecht I Strafprozessrecht


River Valley launch publishing platform, completing their end-to-end publishing solution

River Valley Technologies announce the launch of RVHost, the innovative content hosting platform, and the final component of their XML-based end-to-end scholarly publishing solution.

The platform gives unprecedented control to publishers over their content, thus allowing them to create a brand new journal within minutes, or to schedule any publication for a precise date and time, e.g. timed with a press release. RVHost  delivers full analytics, including an innovative graphical “history” of a publication, together with any citations. The system is fully customisable, multi-lingual and content agnostic, allowing it to host any form of data or multimedia. 

RVHost will be launched in partnership with forward-looking STM journal, GigaScience, which will be using River Valley’s complete end-to-end publishing system. 

GigaScience Executive Editor, Scott Edmunds, explains that it would have been impossible to achieve the changes that the GigaScience team envisioned for new journal development without partnering with River Valley Technologies: “In our seven years of pushing the boundaries of scientific publishing, our biggest frustration has been trying to work around legacy publishing obstacles. Working with River Valley Technologies – with their state-of-the-art, forward-thinking platforms – will finally allow us to put all our new ideas into practice.”

River Valley Technologies Director, Kaveh Bazargan said: “We designed RVHost to be powerful, yet simple to set up and to use. This means it is scalable and delivers time and cost savings for publishers of all sizes, from single-journal society publishers to those dealing with thousands of books and journals. The architecture is particularly suitable for a community platform for related publishers. Working with our highly innovative launch partner, GigaScience, will allow us to use the many features of RVHost to revolutionize how research is communicated.”

RVHost works beautifully on all devices, including mobile phones, and allows the reader to select their viewing preferences with options to view content in a larger typeface, or even in a typeface for people with dyslexia. When used with other River Valley platforms, RVHost delivers further benefits including the instant creation of personalised PDFs, and a comprehensive history of every manuscript. Publishing new versions of articles becomes an efficient and painless process.

The database architecture of RVHost has been designed to make transfer from other platforms easy – any legacy data is transferred losslessly and automatically during transition from other hosting platforms.

Kaveh Bazargan added: “RVHost fully supports Open Access publishing, ensuring compliance with Plan S. We ask all participating journals to adopt the COPE/DOAJ principles of transparency to ensure ethical publishing.”

RVHost links with a wide range of third party systems, including reference managers and metrics tools.
