

Booth, Pat F.: Indexing: the manual of good practice
- Rez.: Dieter Schmidmaier -

Klein, Armin: Kultur-Marketing: das Marketingkonzept für Kulturbetriebe
- Rez.: Dieter Schmidmaier -

Information sources in art, art history and design / Editor Simon Ford
- Rez.: Dieter Schmidmaier -

Meadows, Jack: Understanding information
- Rez.: Dieter Schmidmaier -

Delivering lifelong continuing professional education across space and time
- Rez.: Dieter Schmidmaier -

Les bibliothèques universitaires. Évaluation des nouveaux bâtiments (1992-2000)
- Rez.: Robert Klaus Jopp -

Chaintreau, Anne-Marie; Gascuel, Jacqueline:
Votre bâtiment de A à Z. Memento à l’usage des bibliothécaires

- Rez.: Robert Klaus Jopp -

Business Models for Distribution, Archiving and Use
of Electronic Information: Towards a Value Chain Perspective
Mark Bide, Mark Bide & Associates

- Rez.: Rafael Ball -