13. Februar 2025
Aktuelles aus

In der Ausgabe 10-2024/1-2025 (Dez. 2024/Jan. 2025) lesen Sie u.a.:

  • Open Investing in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Forschungsdaten gemeinsam gestalten: das Stabi Lab in Berlin
  • Die EU-KI-Verordnung: wegweisende Regeln für vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Ein Balanceakt: ethisches Dilemma der KI in der Hochschulbildung
  • Ungenutztes Potenzial oder riskanter Trend? Verdeckte KI-Nutzung in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
  • Warum die Indizierung von zurückgezogenen Publikationen zum Problem wird
  • Klassische Medien auf dem Abstellgleis bei Jugendlichen
  • Warum Gen Z kaum noch Bücher liest
  • Zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Bedeutung: die Rolle der digitalen Kuratierung bei OpenScience während der Pandemie
  • USA: Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekare organisieren sich gegen drohende Kürzungen und den Abbau öffentlicher Bildung unter der kommenden Trump-Administration
  • Makerspaces: kreative Lernräume in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
  • Wie KI antike Texte lesbar macht
  • Fachzeitschriften von Massenrücktritten der Redaktionen betroffen

Springer Nature’s Bookmetrix to launch a new metric
for eBook collection performance at Frankfurt Book Fair

Additional benchmarking and discovery features on the platform will help readers
to discover new books and institutions to assess the impact of Springer Nature eBook collections

Screenshot of Bookmetrix´ brand-new metric, the Collection Citation Performance (CCP) | © Springer Nature

Bookmetrix, a platform that brings together citations, downloads and altmetrics for books and chapters, is extending its scope by providing better insights into the reach and impact of Springer Nature’s various eBook collections. With these new, innovative features, Bookmetrix is adding value by offering detailed information for authors and readers as well as librarians.  

The addition of newly designed “Collection” discovery pages helps readers and librarians to gain a better understanding of the impact of Springer Nature eBook collections at their university and also highlights the top titles within them. To this end, Springer Nature has developed a brand-new metric, the Collection Citation Performance (CCP), to help assess the quality of the various eBook collections. Similar to the values for well-established journal metrics, CCP varies substantially between disciplines (1.140 – 18.922 for the 2016 two year-CCP).  

“Over the past two years we have learned a lot about the dynamics around books, how often they are cited and discussed online,” said Martijn Roelandse, Head of Publishing Innovation at Springer Nature. “We were thrilled to see that they are on par with journals and articles. So, books are alive and kicking and therefore deserve their own metric to help readers find the best book according to their needs.”  

Book and chapter pages now have a strong focus on benchmarking and discovery. The various metrics that are gathered on the platform – citations from Crossref, COUNTER compliant downloads and altmetrics from Altmetric – will be used to help readers discover new books. As part of an on-going partnership Altmetric will continue to provide data services and keep the existing metrics pages available.  

Later this year, additional pages will follow that aim to provide readers, series editors and librarians with further insights, e.g. into the research output in terms of Springer Nature books published from a given university.  

“Since the launch of Bookmetrix, authors, researchers, students and libraries finally have better insight into the real impact of Springer Nature eBooks and they can easily discover those titles that are most relevant and impactful to use with their own research and studies,” said Dagmar Laging, Vice President Sales Europe. “I am glad to offer yet another service to all of our customers to help advancing discovery.”  

Since launching at the London Book Fair in 2015, Bookmetrix has grown and matured substantially. Most notably, traffic to the site has tripled over the past two years and a book impact report has been added, meaning authors can instantly download metrics about their publication. Springer Nature was the first publisher to offer title and chapter level metrics across all of their books via Bookmetrix.

At this year´s Frankfurt Book Fair, Springer Nature is officially introducing the new Bookmetrix discovery pages:

Wednesday, 11 October 2017 from 1:30 – 2 pm:
Bookmetrix 2.0: New functionalities for information managers and librarians

Speaker: Dr. Martijn Roelandse, Head of Publishing Innovation Springer Nature
Venue: Hot Spot Professional & Scientific Information, Hall 4.2 / N 99  

Saturday, 14 October 2017 from  1:30 – 2 pm (as part of Springer Nature´s Campus Day):
Tips and innovative tools for academic research

Speaker: Dr. Martijn Roelandse, Head of Publishing Innovation Springer Nature
Venue: Hot Spot Professional & Scientific Information, Hall 4.2 / N 99
